East Texas Square and Round Dance Association

Come and learn to square dance with Nelda Eaton - Caller/Instructor.
Beginner Square Dance Lessons
Start Date: Monday, April 7, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.
For more information and location, see flyer on "Lessons/Classes" page.​​
"Lagniappe" Dances for January - June 2025
Lagniappe (pronounced lan-yap) is a Cajun-French inspired noun that means "a little extra".
Called in ways and formations that you usually don't see - with a little extra challenge.
A few PLUS calls will be used but all PLUS calls used will be taught that night.
-- Lagniappe dances are available in Glenwood, TX and in Bossier City, LA. --
The location names above provide schedules for the dances.
Pea Pickers & Single Peas are holding Tuesday evening lessons, that were temporarily halted due to our building being remodeled, in our new location, St Mathias Episcopal Church, 205 Willowbrook Drive in Athens. If you know anyone who is interested in Plus lessons, or a beginner dancer, you are welcome to join us at our usual time, 6:00 pm til 7:30 every Tuesday evening at 205 Willowbrook Drive in Athens.
Plus Square Dancing: 2nd Tuesday April through December 2025 (Flyer)